Marketing Strategies: How to Attract New Clients to Your Gym

Marketing Strategies: How to Attract New Clients to Your Gym

Gyms closed down during the global pandemic through no fault of their own, and many owners today find they are struggling to regain the business they lost during the lockdowns. With the right marketing program, doing so becomes an easier task. Implement the following strategies into your marketing plan and watch the business take off once again. 

Share Success Stories

To market a gym, share client success stories. Rather than simply showing a person’s before and after pictures, tell the story of how they came to the gym and document their journey as they make progress on their fitness goals. Find ways they relate to members of the target audience and share this information. For example, a gym owner might talk to a mom of a new infant who is struggling to lose weight. Sharing her story of postpartum weight loss allows other new moms to connect with her. They can see themselves having similar success thanks to this commonality. UpSwell Marketing works with clients to create compelling stories that attract new clients. 

Targeted Advertising

Billions of individuals use social media today. In fact, 4.48 billion people benefit from these networks, and gym owners may as well. Every gym needs to use targeted advertising to reach its audience. People want to stay healthy, as they saw how COVID affected individuals with comorbidities. Make certain they can find the gym, using Facebook ads and other robust targeting solutions. Narrow the focus by demographics, interest, location, and more. 

Unique Selling Proposition

Every gym needs to distinguish itself from competitors. Why should a person choose this gym over the many others available? Create a unique selling proposition to share this information with potential clients. Know your target audience and what they look for in a gym. Determine what problem they have and explain how your gym is the best to solve this issue. Next, come up with a pledge or a promise that draws people in. Let them know the value they will get by choosing this gym over others. Finally, show them what the gym does better than others. This may be group classes for a specific audience, personalized training, or something else completely. Ensure the target audience knows why they should choose you rather than a competitor. 

Create Challenges

People love to take part in a challenge, particularly when there are prizes involved. Consider setting up one or more challenges and ask current gym-goers to share the challenges with family and friends in the area. As part of this challenge, have participants sign up for an email newsletter, follow the gym on social media, or something of that nature. The goal of the challenge is to reach a larger audience and increase conversions. Consider setting up a team for a local race and offer free training sessions to those who take part. Anyone who finishes the race gets a free personal training session. This serves as only one example of ways to use a challenge to generate more business, and there are countless others an owner may wish to try. 

Partner with Other Companies

Partner with other companies that focus on health and well-being to get the gym name out to more individuals. How can a gym do this easily? For example, work with an outdoor clothing supplier to offer training for an extended hike. Have the clothing supplier advertise the training classes. In return, the gym can direct people to the clothing supplier for anything they need while on this hike. Both parties connect with new people and business may jump significantly. 

Every gym owner needs to reassess marketing strategies regularly. Using the above methods, a gym owner will find they attract new clients and keep existing ones. Begin implementing them today to see results in little time. 


Associate with a demonstrated history of working in the outsourcing industry. Managed social media handles. Skilled in SEO.

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