True Deku Meaning and its origin

True Deku Meaning and its origin

In this article, we are going to examine the Japanese word Daewoo. This is going to propel us through some interesting traditional Japanese culture, as well as the modern use of this old word.
We will take a walk in Samurai-era puppets, 90s Zelda games, and the current anime event of Boko No Hero Academy, such as “My Hero Academia”.

The true meaning of Deku

What is the true meaning of Deku?

Zelda games

When you are thinking about the meaning of Deku, you will have one of three things in your mind. Originally, decu is referred to as a kind of plain wooden doll or puppet and is then used as a derogatory meaning. “Nowadays, it is a reference to a general race in the Legend of Zelda games as well as the lead character in the hit anime series, Boko no Hero Academia.

Study of Japanese: DEKU manifold meaning


Dictionary defined Deku
If we take a look at the dictionary, we get a very straightforward set of definitions of Deku.

人形 人形 操 人形
語 き き き き き き き き き き き き 語 語 語 語

Its definition is as simple as that. “Puppet.”

The second definition is a bit more fun. “A person will be useful without controversy. Worthless, boring person. Word of such a person being ill. “

now what.

Therefore, the first definition refers to a specific type of old-time wooden puppet, which we will briefly discuss in a moment.

And the second definition makes you somewhat more creative to offend someone with.

Time is the time of your vibe game, from the completely pedestrian baka to the more entertaining deco.

So, this is the base definition of the word, but what do we know when we push things a little further?

Secret of deku Deku Pulcots 3

Deku is written with two kanji (Chinese characters), such as: two.

He is the first character where we get DE sound… maybe. I’ll get back in a second. Also, the character means “tree” or “wood”.

That second character is the one where we get the KU sound… maybe. Then, just one second and I explain.

The character can mean a pair of different things, including “accidentally,” even numbers, “the same way” and “man and wife”.

How it relates to the concept of “wooden doll”, I’m not sure yet. But this is just the first secret.

See, another mystery stems from “Maya” above me. As I was researching for this article, I found something very strange.

No matter where I looked, I could not find any source that suggested DE or KU readings for their respective kanji.

wooden doll

English to Japanese Dictionary, Japanese Native Dictionary, in books and online-nothing.

Heck, I look into some Chinese look-up resources just to see if this is probably a reading taken from across the ocean. Nothing. Nada. Batsu. a dead end.

Here’s why it’s weird – even creepy: As far as I’ve never known, there is a direct one-to-one relationship between a kanji and his reading.

Even if it is an exceptionally unusual reading, seen just once or twice, it must come from somewhere, and be listed.

Sometimes, the Japanese will even use a kanji for its pronunciation, not its meaning. but not here. These are phantom accents.

There are many ways it can be read. In Japanese, it comes out KI, KO, GU, MO, MOKU, and BOKU.

Chinese and Korean add MU and MOG. But nothing similar to DE.

The same goes with the same, read TAMA or GUU in Japanese, OU in Chinese and U in Korean.

Perhaps, I thought, if I hit around inside the etymology of the word, something will emerge …

Origin of Deku Deku Pulukte 5

It’s annoying for a few hours via the Japanese Internet, carefully translating some etymological resources, and trying to figure out the meaning.

I came up empty-handed in relation to the strange readings of the two kanji that make up the word deku, but I learned some interesting things about the origin of the word.

Deku is part of a category of dolls that may be the reason for its origins in an unbreakable series of doll-making on the archipelago of Japan, which draws the Dogu figures of the Joman era clay thousands of years ago.

By Hayan Era – the high-aloftine era of Genji’s legend – several dolls were on the repertoire of the artisans of the day, with Deku most likely.

At that time, the Deku were wooden puppets, also known as kugutsu.

But where did the accent come from? Even for the Japanese, this is a mystery, with no concrete theory available.

One possibility is the incorrect pronunciation of Deku Digue, a term for “clay doll“, although my main source for this research was suggested which was unlikely.

A more probable theory is one that has flown a little over my head. One thing to note is that Deku is often written in a long form as deku-no-bull or 木偶 that.


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